Workshops for Team Away Days
Improvisation workshops and training for creativity in your team
If you would like to discuss your requirements or request a quote:
Phone: +44 (0) 207 240 4556
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How Improbable can help…
Improvisation is the perfect environment to experience the power of a team. Its success depends wholly on the ability of those involved to work together. It is truly a place where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. The synergy of the group far outweighs the skills of any single individual.
Everyone says they are a team player. Or hopes they are. When we are functioning well as a member of a team what qualities are we bringing to bear? If the team’s not clicking, what is missing?
The nuts and bolts of it: this workshop will cover things like how to value, incorporate and build on input from others; the practice of giving up personal control; and fluid switching between leading and supporting the group. People will experience moments of flow when the group dynamic takes over, and be exposed to situations where working in a team is the only viable option.
This workshop is a great choice for a team-away days – you will laugh and have fun in a relaxed environment out of the office. We are able to offer a package that includes evening entertainment for the whole group at London’s infamous Comedy Store – the laughs will continue, plus you'll get to see some of the world’s best improvisers (including our very own Co-Artistic Director Lee Simpson) performing many of the skills and principles you’ve learned in the workshop.